Landing Zone Configuration

Amaze® migrate let’s you choose your landing zone configuration before you migrate your VM workloads to Azure. Azure landing zone is a combination of security, network & connectivity, compliance & governance services on Azure that is most suitable for your organization’s workloads. We offer Basic, Advanced or Premium configuration options to choose from.

The basic, advanced, and premium services provided does not encompass all the landing zone options. We also ask a set of pre-defined questions with respect to security, compliance, networking, backup & storage to help you make the right choice of configuration for the landing zone which are additional options to what is provided above. These questions will be provided in the AMAZE platform itself after the completion of the assessment.


Apart from the landing zone configuration, you also get to choose your management & support option for your workloads on Azure. Click here to find out more about the management & support options that you can choose from.